<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Response.Status="301 Moved Permanently" Response.AddHeader "Location", "http://www.omegamachine.com/db/Transmission-engine-teardown-benches.asp" %>


Transmission Teardown Benches

Hard Parts
New Products

2949 Promenade St. Ste 100
West Sacramento CA. 95691
916 372 6001


These are professional teardown and assembly benches. They are not your typical flexy flyer bench. They are the standard of the industry. You will not be disappointed with the quality and materials used in the construction of this bench. We have had people fight over who gets to use this bench in shops where there is only one.

If you need one constructed for a unique situation, we're at your service!


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Transmission teardown bench, disassembled for shipping

Bolt together construction for ease of shipping.


Attention Transmission and Engine Rebuilders.